Our passion goes beyond simply supplying architectural stone and flooring. Bilad al-Sham is one of the leading manufacturers of limestone and other involved build materials within the Middle East. In 2003 the company was established to cover the Mideast market. To date, we have supplied limestones to build a number of projects within the Arabian Gulf area and now we feel that we can meet the international market needs. The limestone you buy is sourced from our own limestone quarries, therefore, be confident about the provenance and reassured about the consistency. With resources guaranteed for the next 30 years, your stone supply is safe. Meeting your needs: You can count on us to help you restore and preserve more of the nation’s most loved buildings as well as contribute to beautiful new ones. We can produce walling stone and masonry as well as supply block stone, wall cappings, and aggregates direct from our quarries. Just give us a call to tell us what you need.